Blog Revisit

This was first posted on Goodreads on May 31, 2023.

Hi, I’m beginning a website – My GoodReads blog text will also be posted into my site –
Well, I’m enthusiastic, so thank you for being patient. I am resolved to share (maybe “foist”) creative work on friends and fellow travelers – which is why you may find yourself reading this. To said friends and fellow travelers, I am grateful – grateful for our connection and your patience. I am lucky to know you.
In March 2021, I posted on Amazon my first novel, “The Callers”, which addresses a relationship the US government – more specifically, consecutive Presidents and US Secretaries of State – has had with an alien intelligence, seemingly benevolent but an ultimately opaque one, since the Nixon administration. They, those Presidents and those chief diplomats, and we – yes, you and I, dear reader – can’t really know who those aliens are and what they might truly want, just as it actually is impossible to know truly someone else – in his or her totality. The evidence must remain in what we see people do – that is, in the pudding and in the eating. The dramatic tension arises when two yeoman sherpas for this US-Alien relationship, Dr. Jim Casey – an emeritus professor of anthropology, and his young direct report, Ben Stern, also a PhD but not an academic, grapple with the stresses on the relationship coming from a fictional and idiosyncratic Republican administration and from the aliens themselves. It was much fun to do, and I enjoy writing on the facets and different characters from this novel.
Two other “space-alien” novels I plan will form not so much a trilogy with “The Callers” but rather a triptych – much like three rendered panels joined together but distinctive from one other, each telling a separate story or distinctive scenes from a story. My novel “The Callers” is one “panel” of the triptych. Another will deal with the homely and basic desire to survive and thrive, which even alien forms probably harbor, wherever they may be. In a word, it will tell the story of “immigration” for a beleaguered group from some distant star system. I plan on calling this novel “The Arrivals”. The last among the three panels I’ll call “The Responders”. It may be a darker novel that takes into account more fully Stephen Hawking’s admonition that we shouldn’t wish too hard on knowing what’s out there, it may be a little more than we can handle.
I’m currently working on a new novel that I’m calling “Amy”. I’m nearly done with the first draft and am very hopeful about this effort. “Amy” trots out the old but beloved subject of vampires, but chooses as its milieu northern California’s East Bay area. The novel deals with modern (yuppy) life, and the modern juxtaposition of being rooted “somewhere”, while being part of “anywhere”. Other book ideas I have include a novel I’ll call “The Family Dear”, which relates the knock-on effects and human reality from an ongoing military research and development effort. And another I’d like to pursue is one I plan on calling “Corporal Jim”, which deals with the Civil War, human attachment, the pathos from fraught social mobility, and emotion that can be oblivious to shifts in time. So, I hope to get to most of them over time. I look forward to providing updates, thanks again!

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